Advanced Rewarded Video Ads

The Rewarded Video Ads feature enables the presentation of a rewarded, completely full-screen ads within your mobile applications. These are very simmilar to the rewarded Interstitial ads, except you are required to prompt the user and require them to accept engagement with the video ad. For example, watch this ad for an extra life.

It is recommeded that you load your ads in advance so that you can display them immediatly when you are ready to do so.

Immersive Behaviour

When displaying your Rewarded Video Ads, you can choose whether or not the ad will be displayed in immersive mode. The difference is simply displaying the operating systems menu bar or not when the ad is displayed.

The following examples showcase how the ad appears in both immersive mode and non-immersive mode

You can always change your decision to use immersive mode or not when displaying the ad.

Available Blueprint Nodes

We have designed the blueprints to be as simple as possible, seperating out the loading and displaying of Rewarded Video Ads. You can load as many Rewarded Video Ads as you like in advance and it will keep them in memory, ready to be displayed without delay.

Load Advanced Rewarded Video Ad

This blueprint loads a Rewarded Video Ad into memory for a given Ad Unit ID you have setup in Admob.

You should load your Rewarded Video Ads in advance before you intend to display them so that they are ready to be displayed immediatly.


Ad Unit Id

The Ad Unit ID of the Rewarded Video Ad you have created in AdMob.


On Event

Full Screen Events that occur during the lifecycle of the Rewarded Video Ad, including when it has succesfully been loaded.
In addition to the type of Event, you will have access to the Ad Unit ID corresponding to that event.

You can simply click and drag off this pin to create a custom event.


On Failure

An Ad Error Code along with a message and which Ad Unit ID has failed to load.

You can simply click and drag off this pin to create a custom event.

Show Advanced Rewarded Video Ad

This blueprint node displays the Rewarded Video Ad you have previously loaded using the Load Advanced Rewarded Video Ad blueprint node above.

Once you have displayed this ad and it gets closed, it is discarded. With this in mind, we have exposed a parameter to autoreload the ad when it is closed so you dont have to reload it manually.


Ad Unit Id

The Ad Unit ID of the Rewarded Video Ad you have created in AdMob and previously loaded.


Auto Reload

A boolean indicating whether or not you would like this Rewarded Video Ad to be reloaded after it has been displayed.


Is Immersive

A boolean indicating whether or not to display the Rewarded Video Ad in immersive mode.


On Reward

When the user watches the ad for long enough and triggers a reward, this delegate will fire.
The parameters of this delegate include the Ad Unit ID of the Rewarded Video Ad, the integer amount and reward type setup in Admob when creating your Rewarded Video Ad.

You can simply click and drag off this pin to create a custom event.


On Failure

An Ad Error Code along with a message and which Ad Unit ID has failed to load.

You can simply click and drag off this pin to create a custom event.