Porret Gaming News

New Plugin: Play Asset Delivery Pro
  • Android 14 Compliant
  • Install-Time, Fast-Follow & On-Demand Asset Packs
  • Publish Bundles Larger than 200MB
  • No Manual Intervention
  • No Double Packaging
  • No Manual Asset Pack Gradle File/Directory Creation
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New Plugin: Play Asset Delivery
  • Android 14 Compliant
  • Offers Automatic Install-Time Delivery
  • Publish Bundles Larger than 200MB to the Google Play Store
  • Uses Googles Latest Libraries
  • Cheaper Alternative to our Google PAD PRO Plugin
  • Automatic Bundling
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New Plugin: Mobile Utility Pack
  • Automatic Android API-33 UE Source Code Fixes
  • Automatic Android API-34 UE Source Code Fixes
  • Android ADB Logging
  • SDK Version Detection
  • Check Internet Connectivity
  • Detect Internet Connectivity Changes
  • Android Lifecycle Events
  • Android Battery Information
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New Plugin: Advanced Mobile Notifications
  • Manage Notification Permission
  • Manage Notification Channels
  • Manage Notification Channel Groups
  • Schedule Notifications
  • Highly Customizable Notifications
  • Direct Image Input into BP's
  • Control Notification Visibility
  • Big Text and Big Picture Styles
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YouTube Tutorial Series
  • We have released our first YouTube tutorial series for our billing plugin.
  • Leave a like, share and subscribe to help support us!
  • YouTube Series
New Plugin: Advanced Ads Pro
  • Access Consent Information
  • GDPR & COPPA Compliant
  • Control When You Initialise
  • Revisit Consent
  • Banner Ads
  • Interstitial Ads
  • Rewarded Interstitial Ads
  • Rewarded Video Ads
  • App Open Ads
  • App Open Ad Context Switching
  • Allow Preloading Ads
  • Mediation Partners
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New Plugin: Play Base Services V2
  • Update to Play V2
  • Expanded Google Sign-In
  • Request Additional Scopes
  • Request Custom Scopes
  • Revoke All Access
  • Google Sign Out
  • Automatic Games Sign-In
  • Detect Sign In
  • Expanded Achievements
  • Expanded Leaderboards
  • Google Account Access Tokens
  • Play Games Access Tokens
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Plugin Version Numbers Not Updating
  • We have identified that plugin releases have not had their version numbers being updated
  • All future releases will have their version numbers updated according to this release page
Early Access Documentation: Play Base Services V2
  • We have released our documentation early for our Play Base Services V2 Plugin
  • Review it now and provide any feedback before release
  • Your suggestions are appreciated and may be included
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Early Access to Documentation: Advanced Ads Pro
  • We have released our documentation early for our Advanced Ads Pro Plugin
  • Review it now and provide any feedback before release
  • Your suggestions are appreciated and may be included
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New Plugin: Billing Library Update
  • Update Billing Library to v6.0.1
  • Billing Features Excluded
  • Android 14 Compatible
  • Allow Upload to Google Play
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New Plugin: Play Services In-App Updates
  • Access Google Play Core Service In-App Updates
  • Detect Google Play Store Updates
  • Handle Immediate or Flexible Updates
  • Listener for Background Flexible Updates
  • Check if an Update Type is Allowed
  • Launch an Update Request
  • Install a Flexible Update
  • Detect Interrupted Updates
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New Plugin: Play Services In-App Reviews
  • Access Google Play Core Service In-App Reviews
  • Launch an In-App Review
  • Know When Users Have Finished Reviewing Your App
  • No Knowledge If User Has Given A Review
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New Plugin: Mobile Sensors
  • Identify Available Sensors
  • Manage Power Consumption
  • Register Sensors
  • Deregister Sensors
  • Listen for Sensor Events
  • Environment Sensors
  • Motion Sensors
  • Orientation Sensors
  • Sensor Reporting Frequency
  • Automatic Toggle Off
  • Supporting Nodes
  • Detection Sensors
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New Plugin: Play Services Billing
  • Update Billing Library to v6.0.1
  • Android 14 Compatible
  • Allow Upload to Google Play
  • Fetch All Product Information
  • Launch Billing Flow
  • Fetch Purchase History
  • Check if Feature is Supported
  • Handle Pending Purchases
  • Show In-App Messages
  • Indicate Personalised Prices
  • Subscriptions
  • In App Products
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New Plugin: Play Services Events
  • Access Play Services Player Event Analytics
  • Increment Events
  • Load Existing Events
  • Access Event Data
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New Plugin: Play Services Saved Games
  • Saved Games Google Feature
  • Save Game to Google Cloud
  • Load Game from Google Cloud
  • Show External Google UI
  • Fetch Saved Games Metadata
  • Delete Saved Game From Google Cloud
  • Preset Conflict Resolution Strategies
  • Define Own Conflict Resolution Strategy
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