In App Updates Overview

The Google Play Service: In App Updates

The Google Play In-App Updates service empowers you to encourage users to update your application, right from within your app or game, eliminating the need for them to leave the app.

Enhance user satisfaction by prompting updates at their convenience. Keep your players engaged by effortlessly delivering the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes, all without requiring them to visit the Google Play Store. Choose between immediate updates for all players to stay up to date, or provide flexible background updates for a smoother player experience.

The Unreal Engine Plugin

Presenting the Unreal Engine plugin for the In-App Updates Service, an indispensable tool that seamlessly integrates the advantages of the Google Play Core Library with your Unreal Engine projects. This meticulously crafted plugin is tailored to provide accessible access to in-app update requests through Blueprint scripting, simplifying the integration journey for game developers.

Our plugin offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface seamlessly integrated into the Unreal Engine editor, making it effortless to harness the potential of this service. Whether you're a seasoned Unreal Engine developer or new to the platform, our plugin empowers you to leverage the In-App Updates service, ensuring your application remains up-to-date with ease.

The plugin makes use of no additional libraries or imports, but instead makes use of the built in Google Play Core SDK already within Unreal Engine, meaning the size of your game bundle will hardly increase in size.

The plugin does not interfere with any of Unreal Engine's existing functionality, meaning no compilation conflicts with other Unreal Engine provided libraries can occur and all existing Google Play Services provided by Unreal Engine will work as expected.