Billing Overview

The Google Play Service: Billing

The Google Play Billing Library is a powerful tool provided by Google Play Services that enables developers to implement in-app purchases and subscription services in their Android games. With this library, developers can monetize their games, offer premium content, and provide a seamless purchasing experience for players.

  • Fetch All Product Information
  • Launch the Billing Flow for your Products
  • Fetch Purchase History Information
  • Retrieve All Currently Owned Purchases
  • Check if a Feature is Supported
  • Handle Pending Purchases/Transactions
  • Show In-App Messages (Price Change Confirmations)
  • Handle Consumable/Non-Consumable In-App Purchases
  • Indicate Personalised Prices

By leveraging the capabilities of the Google Play Billing Library, developers can unlock new revenue streams, engage their player base, and create a sustainable business model for their Android games.

The Unreal Engine Plugin

Introducing the Unreal Engine plugin for the Billing service, a powerful tool that brings the features of Google Play Billing Version 6 directly to your Unreal Engine projects. This plugin is designed to expose the Billing service's functionality to blueprint scripting, simplifying the integration process for game developers.

With an intuitive and user-friendly interface seamlessly integrated into the Unreal Engine editor, connecting to the service becomes a breeze. Whether you're a seasoned Unreal Engine developer or new to the platform, our plugin empowers you to easily perform all the features provided by the Google Play Billing Library, enhancing the capabilities of your game.

Action has been taken to update Unreal Engines existing integration with the older billing library to adhere to any of the breaking changes from the library update. Billing functionality implemented in your project must therefore only interact with this plugin's billing functionality and not Unreal Engine provided Google Play billing services.