Advanced Ads Mediation

AdMob mediation enables you to deliver ads to your applications from various sources, such as the AdMob Network, third-party ad networks, and AdMob campaigns.

This feature optimizes your fill rate and enhances monetization by directing ad requests to multiple networks, ensuring the selection of the most effective network for serving ads.

Mediation Settings

We currently offer integration to a variety of partner networks which can be enabled and disabled in the project settings as can be seen below.

Simply enable any third party partner networks your using and the plugin will automatically pull in their mediation library, set it up and pass on any required privacy settings to it appropriately.

NOTE: MobFox requires no code integration, once you have set it up in AdMob, ads will automatically pull through, hence there is no need to enable it in the settings.

New Mediation Partners

In order to partake in mediation, you are required to have an account setup with them and link it to your Admob account in order to pull in their ads. To do so, you will have to follow the appropriate documentation to get everything working, excluding any code changes (as that is handled by this plugin).

The below table shows you where you can find this documentation and which steps you can ignore in order to get up and running!