
Here is a list of enumerations you will find throughout the plugin.

These enumerations attempt to replicate the same found within the admob library with a few additional ones for extra functionality provided only by this plugin.


Name Description
INTERNAL_ERROR Something happened internally; for instance, an invalid response was received from the ad server.
INVALID_REQUEST The ad request was invalid; for instance, the ad unit ID was incorrect.
NETWORK_ERROR The ad request was unsuccessful due to network connectivity.
NO_FILL The ad request was successful, but no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory.
APP_ID_MISSING The ad request was not made due to a missing app ID.
MEDIATION_NO_FILL The mediation adapter did not fill the ad request.
REQUEST_ID_MISMATCH The request ID in the ad string is not found.
INVALID_AD_STRING The ad string is invalid.
ALREADY_LOADED The request ID has already loaded an Ad.
NO_SPACE There is already an Ad being displayed.


Name Description
ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Landscape orientation.
ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT Portrait orientation.


Name Description
AD_CLICKED When a click is recorded for an ad.
AD_CLOSED When the user is about to return to the application after clicking on an ad.
AD_IMPRESSION When an impression is recorded for an ad.
BANNER_AD_LOADED When an ad is loaded.
AD_OPEN When an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.


Name Description
BANNER Banner ad size (320x50 density-independent pixels)
LARGE_BANNER Large banner ad size (320x100 density-independent pixels).
MEDIUM_RECTANGLE Medium rectangle ad size (300x250 density-independent pixels).
FULL_BANNER Full banner ad size (468x60 density-independent pixels).
LEADERBOARD Leaderboard ad size (728x90 density-independent pixels).
ANCHORED_ADAPTIVE Adaptive ad size (screen widthx32|50|90 density-independent pixels).


Name Description
GRAVITY_TOP_LEFT Top left of screen.
GRAVITY_TOP_CENTER Top center of screen.
GRAVITY_TOP_RIGHT Top right of screen.
GRAVITY_MIDDLE_LEFT Middle left of screen.
GRAVITY_MIDDLE_RIGHT Middle right of screen.
GRAVITY_BOTTOM_LEFT Bottom left of screen.
GRAVITY_BOTTOM_CENTER Bottom center of screen.
GRAVITY_BOTTOM_RIGHT Bottom right of screen.


Name Description
AD_LOADED When an ad is loaded.
AD_CLICKED When a click is recorded for an ad.
AD_DISMISSED When the user is about to return to the application after clicking on an ad.
AD_IMPRESSION When an impression is recorded for an ad.
AD_DISPLAYED When an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.


Name Description
UNKNOWN_ERROR When the error is unkown.
INTERNAL_ERROR When an internal error has occurred within Admob.
INTERNET_ERROR When there was an error loading data from the network.
INVALID_OPERATION When an Invalid operation has occurred.
TIME_OUT When the operation has timed out.