Show Confirmation Dialog

If the download of an Asset Pack is larger than 200 MB and the user is not on Wi-Fi, the download will not start until the user explicitly gives their consent to proceed with the download using a mobile data connection. Similarly, if the download is large and the user loses WIFI, the download is paused and explicit consent is required to proceed using a mobile data connection.

A paused Asset Pack download has status of WAITING_FOR_WIFI or REQUIRES_USER_CONFIRMATION.

In the event you encounter one of these statuses, you can either wait for the user to return to WIFI, or show a Confirmation Dialog acquiring consent to continue the download.

Blueprint Description

Lets take a high level look at the blueprint itself and its parameters and then provide a slightly more detailed look into its setup.

Remove Asset Pack

This blueprint node is used when an Asset Pack State has a status of REQUIRES_USER_CONFIRMATION or WAITING_FOR_WIFI in order to continue an Asset Pack download.


On Result

This delegate is triggered once the application user has either ACCEPTED or if the user denied or the dialog has been closed in any other way.
The delegate produces a EConfirmationStatus enumeration describing the action the user took.

You can simply click and drag off this pin to create a custom event.


Here is an example with the delegate created to visually demonstrate the information available.

Specifically, in this example we are checking what action we should take given the result of the dialog.

If the user has ACCEPTED the dialog, we can continue with the download of the Asset Pack.

In the event the user CANCELLED or there was an error displaying or capturing the dialog, the Asset Pack download will remain paused and wait for the user to regain a connection to WIFI.