Snapshot Error

The SnapshotError enumeration is a list of possible error's that can occur during actions taken with all the blueprint nodes.

Error Description
SELECT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED Failure when attempting to show Google's external selection UI.
Can occur when using the External Selection UI.
OPEN_SNAPSHOT_FAILED The contents of the snapshot were not found on the server.
Can occur at all points when attempting to operate on a single Snapshot.
COMMIT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED The snapshot failed to be committed to the server (both offline and online).
Can occur when Saving a Game.
READ_SNAPSHOT_FAILED The binary contents of the snapshot are corrupt.
Can occur at all points when attempting to extract the binary data of a Snapshot.
DELETE_SNAPSHOT_FAILED Failure when deleting a Snapshot.
Can occur when Deleting a Game.
LOAD_SNAPSHOT_FAILED Failure fetchinig all Snapshot metadata.
Can occur when Fetching Games.
RESOLVE_CONFLICT_FAILED The conflict resolution strategy failed to execute.
Can occur when Saving a Game and Loading a Game.