Resolution Policy

The Resolution Policy enumeration is a list of possible conflict resolution strategies that can be used when conflicts occur.

Resolution Policy Description
RESOLUTION_POLICY_MANUAL Custom conflict resolution strategy defined by the developer.
This is defined by making use of the Conflict Resolution blueprint node.
RESOLUTION_POLICY_LONGEST_PLAYTIME Will choose the snapshot with the longest play time, a field within the SnapshotMetadata.
This value is controlled by the developer when Saving a Game.
RESOLUTION_POLICY_LAST_KNOWN_GOOD Will choose the snapshot that is in the last known working stater, ie. before any conflicts had occured.
RESOLUTION_POLICY_MOST_RECENTLY_MODIFIED Will choose the snapshot that was most recently modified.
RESOLUTION_POLICY_HIGHEST_PROGRESS Will choose the snapshot with the highest progress, a field within the SnapshotMetadata.
This value is controlled by the developer when Saving a Game.