Deleting a Game

This is an asynchronous function which allows you to delete a snapshot in its entirety.

The parameters include the name of the slot where the Snapshot resides to be deleted.
Once the asynchronous operation has completed, one of two delegates will be called to handle the success and failure situations.


Slot Name

The slot name is a string that uniquely identifies the slot of the game to be deleted.


On Success

A delegate that will be called when the snapshot has successfully been deleted. This can be used to notify the player or perform other actions in the game once the snapshot has successfully been removed. You can simply click and drag this pin to create a custom event.


On Failure

A delegate that will be called if there is an error during the snapshot save operation. The delegate will produce an Snapshot Error type for the developer to handle appropriately. You can simply click and drag this pin to create a custom event.