
The Sensor struct is designed to mimic the Sensor object almost exactly as provided by the Android SDK.
It contains various information about the the Sensor and more information can be retrived from the Sensor Android Developer Documentation.


Field Type Description
ReportingMode EReportingMode Reporting mode for the sensor.
HighestDirectReportRateLevel EHighestDirectReportRateLevel The highest supported direct report mode rate level of the sensor.
Name FString The name of the sensor. The name is guaranteed to be unique for a particular sensor type.
Vendor FString The vendor of this sensor.
Type ESensorType The type of sensor.
Version float The version of the sensor's module.
MaximumRange float The maximum range of the sensor in the sensor's unit.
Resolution float The resolution of the sensor in the sensor's unit.
Power int64 The power in mA used by this sensor while in use.
MinDelay int32 The minimum delay allowed between two events in microseconds or zero if this sensor only returns a value when the data it's measuring changes.
FifoReservedEventCount int32 The number of events reserved for this sensor in the batch mode FIFO.
FifoMaxEventCount int32 The maximum number of events of this sensor that could be batched.
StringType FString The type of this sensor as an FString.
Id int32 The sensor id that will be unique for the same app unless the device is factory reset.
MaxDelay int32 This value is defined only for continuous and on-change sensors. It is the delay between two sensor events corresponding to the lowest frequency that this sensor supports.
bIsWakeUpSensor bool If the sensor is a wake-up sensor.
bIsDynamicSensor bool If the sensor is a dynamic sensor.
bIsAdditionalInfoSupported bool If the sensor supports sensor additional information API.