
Here is a list of enumerations you will find throughout the plugin.
These enumerations are named after the same enumerations/constants found within the Android SDK.


Name Description
UNDEFINED Default value (should be unused)
ACCELEROMETER Measures the acceleration force in m/s2 that is applied to a device on all three physical axes (x, y, and z), including the force of gravity.
ACCELEROMETER_UNCALIBRATED Same as ACCELEROMETER, but incorporates an estimated bias compensation.
AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE Measures the ambient room temperature in degrees Celsius (°C).
GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR The game rotation vector sensor is identical to the ROTATION_VECTOR sensor, except it does not use the geomagnetic field. Therefore the Y axis does not point north but instead to some other reference.
GEOMAGNETIC_ROTATION_VECTOR Similar to TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR, but using a magnetometer instead of using a gyroscope. This sensor uses lower power than the other rotation vectors, because it doesn't use the gyroscope. However, it is more noisy and will work best outdoors.
GRAVITY Measures the force of gravity in m/s2 that is applied to a device on all three physical axes (x, y, z).
GYROSCOPE Measures a device's rate of rotation in rad/s around each of the three physical axes (x, y, and z).
GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED Same as GYROSCOPE, but includes estimated drift.
LIGHT Measures the ambient light level (illumination) in lx
LINEAR_ACCELERATION Measures the acceleration force in m/s2 that is applied to a device on all three physical axes (x, y, and z), excluding the force of gravity.
MAGNETIC_FIELD Measures the ambient geomagnetic field for all three physical axes (x, y, z) in μT.
MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED Same as MAGNETIC_FIELD, but includes an iron bias estimation.
MOTION_DETECT The motion detect sensor triggers an event if the device has been in motion for at least 5 seconds with a maximal latency of 5 additional seconds.
PRESSURE Measures the ambient air pressure in hPa or mbar.
PROXIMITY Measures the proximity of an object in cm relative to the view screen of a device.
RELATIVE_HUMIDITY Measures the relative ambient humidity in percent (%).
ROTATION_VECTOR Measures the orientation of a device by providing the three elements of the device's rotation vector.
SIGNIFICANT_MOTION The significant motion sensor triggers an event each time significant motion is detected and then it disables itself.
NOTE: You will need to register it again once triggered if you want to continously monitor for events.
STATIONARY_DETECT The stationary detect sesnsor triggers an event if the device has been stationary for at least 5 seconds with a maximal latency of 5 additional seconds.
STEP_COUNTER The step counter sensor provides the number of steps taken by the user since the last reboot while the sensor was activated.
The step counter has more latency (up to 10 seconds) but more accuracy than the step detector sensor.
NOTE: You must declare the android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION to use this sensor.
NOTE: You will need to register it again once triggered if you want to continously monitor for events.
STEP_DETECTOR The step detector sensor triggers an event each time the user takes a step. The latency is expected to be below 2 seconds.
NOTE: You must declare the android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION to use this sensor.
NOTE: You will need to register it again once triggered if you want to continously monitor for events.


Name Description
RATE_STOP Sensor stopped (no event output).
RATE_NORMAL Sensor operates between 55% to 220% of nominal rate (50Hz) therefore 27.5Hz to 110Hz.
RATE_FAST Sensor operates between 55% to 220% of nominal rate (200Hz) therefore 110Hz to 440Hz.
RATE_VERY_FAST Sensor operates between 55% to 220% of nominal rate (800Hz) therefore 440Hz to 1760Hz.
RATE_UNDEFINED Default value (should be unused).


Name Description
REPORTING_MODE_CONTINUOUS Events are reported at a constant rate.
REPORTING_MODE_ON_CHANGE Events are reported only when the value changes.
REPORTING_MODE_ONE_SHOT Events are reported in one-shot mode,
REPORTING_MODE_SPECIAL_TRIGGER Events are reported as described in the description of the sensor.
REPORTING_MODE_UNDEFINED Default value (should be unused).


Name Description
SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE The values returned by the sensor cannot be trusted, calibration is needed or the environment doesn't allow readings.
SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_LOW The sensor is reporting data with low accuracy, calibration with the environment is needed.
SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_MEDIUM The sensor is reporting data with an average level of accuracy, calibration with the environment may improve the readings.
SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH The sensor is reporting data with maximum accuracy.


Name Description
SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST A delay of 0 microseconds between events.
SENSOR_DELAY_GAME A delay of 20 000 microseconds between events.
SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL A delay of 200 000 microseconds between events.
SENSOR_DELAY_UI A delay of 60 000 microseconds between events.