Show In-App Messages

This is an asynchronous function which enables you to Launch a Google Play Billing window (powered by Google) for any notifications requiring the players action.
This is most commonly used for price change confirmations, allowing the user to opt-in for a price change if you have forced a changover.

Once the asynchronous operation has completed, one of two delegates will be called to handle the success and failure situations.
If there are no messages/notifications for the player and no failure occurred attempting to find any, neither delegate will be called.


On Success

A delegate that will be called once any messages/notifications have been interacted with. You can simply click and drag this pin to create a custom event.


On Failure

A delegate that will be called if there is an error attempting to look up any messages/notifications. The delegate will produce a Billing Response Code and debug message for the developer to handle appropriately. You can simply click and drag this pin to create a custom event.


In the below example, we are checking for any messages related to your application's products/subscriptions to provide the user with.
In the event there are messages, Google will show these to the player for you.
You can create your own custom function to handle when a message was displayed to the user.

The most common example of this is acknowledging a subscription price change.