Query Purchases

This is an asynchronous function which returns currently owned items bought by the player, only including active subscriptions and non-consumed one-time purchases. You can use this to check if a subscription is still active.

Note: This method uses a cache of Google Play Store app without initiating a network request. When testing subscriptions using a test subscription, this cache does not update regularly.

The parameters include the Product Type to query for owned purchases.

Once the asynchronous operation has completed, one of two delegates will be called to handle the success and failure situations.


Product Type

Product Type can either be Subscription or InApp products.


On Success

A delegate that will be called once all owned purchases have been retrieved. The delegate will produce a list of Purchases for you to use.
You can simply click and drag this pin to create a custom event.


On Failure

A delegate that will be called if there is an error attempting to look up recent purchases. The delegate will produce a Billing Response Code and debug message for the developer to handle appropriately. You can simply click and drag this pin to create a custom event.