Product Details

The ProductDetails struct is designed to mimic the ProductDetails almost exactly as provided by the Google Play Billing SDK for the Billing service. It contains various information about the the product in question.

The ProductDetails struct contains additional structs to mimic the libraries representation of information and represent the products information. These include structs for OneTimePurchaseOfferDetails (used for consumable/non-consumable products) and SubscriptionOfferDetails (used for subscriptions). The SubscriptionOfferDetails struct contains PricingPhases (another struct) with information about the offers pricing phases.


Field Type Description
OneTimePurchaseOfferDetails FOneTimePurchaseOfferDetails When the product is a consumable/non-consumable (non subscription) product this will contain the pricing information about the product.
Description FString The description of the Product as setup in the Google Play Console.
Name FString The name of the Product as setup in the Google Play Console.
ProductType EProductType The type of product, being subscription or inapp.
Title FString The Title of the product as setup in the Google Play Console.
SubscriptionOfferDetails TArray<FSubscriptionOfferDetails> When the product is a subscription, this will contain a list of the offers (base-plan/offer combinations) for the subscription.


Field Type Description
PriceAmountMicros int64 The price for the payment in micro-units, where 1,000,000 micro-units equal one unit of the currency
FormattedPrice FString The formatted price for the payment, including its currency sign.
PriceCurrencyCode FString The ISO 4217 currency code for price.


Field Type Description
PricingPhases TArray<FPricingPhase> The pricing phases for the subscription product.
BasePlanId FString The base plan id associated with the subscription product as setup in the Google Play Console.
OfferId FString The offer id associated with the subscription product as setup in the Google Play Console.
OfferToken FString The offer token required to pass in Launch Billing Flow to purchase the subscription product with these pricing phases.
OfferTags TArray<FString> The offer tags associated with this Subscription Offer as setup in the Google Play Console.
IsVisible bool Whether or not the Event is visible as setup in the Google Play Console.


Field Type Description
BillingCycleCount int32 Number of cycles for which the billing period is applied.
RecurrenceMode ERecurrenceMode The recurrence mode of the pricing phase.
PriceAmountMicros int64 The price for the payment cycle in micro-units, where 1,000,000 micro-units equal one unit of the currency.
BillingPeriod FString Billing period for which the given price applies, specified in ISO 8601 format.
FormattedPrice FString The formatted price for the payment cycle, including its currency sign.
PriceCurrencyCode FString The ISO 4217 currency code for price.