
Here is a list of enumerations you will find throughout the plugin. These enumerations are named after the same enumerations/constants found in the billing library.


Name Description
INAPP A Product type for Android apps in-app products.
SUBS A Product type for Android apps subscriptions.


Name Description
FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested feature is not supported by the Play Store on the current device.
SERVICE_DISCONNECTED The app is not connected to the Play Store service via the Google Play Billing Library.
OK Success.
USER_CANCELED Transaction was canceled by the user.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE The service is currently unavailable.
BILLING_UNAVAILABLE A user billing error occurred during processing.
ITEM_UNAVAILABLE The requested product is not available for purchase.
DEVELOPER_ERROR Error resulting from incorrect usage of the API.
ERROR Fatal error during the API action.
ITEM_ALREADY_OWNED The purchase failed because the item is already owned.
ITEM_NOT_OWNED Requested action on the item failed since it is not owned by the user.
NETWORK_ERROR A network error occurred during the operation.


Name Description
SUBSCRIPTIONS Purchase/query for subscriptions.
SUBSCRIPTIONS_UPDATE Subscriptions update/replace.
PRICE_CHANGE_CONFIRMATION Launch a price change confirmation flow.
IN_APP_MESSAGING Show in-app messages.
PRODUCT_DETAILS Play billing library support for querying and purchasing.


Name Description
UNSPECIFIED_STATE A rare state where the purchase is neither pending nor purchased.
PURCHASED The purchase has succesfully been processed.
PENDING The purchase is still being processed.


Name Description
INFINITE_RECURRING The billing plan payment recurs for infinite billing periods unless cancelled.
FINITE_RECURRING The billing plan payment recurs for a fixed number of billing period set in billingCycleCount.
NON_RECURRING The billing plan payment is a one time charge that does not repeat.