Google Play Leaderboard

The Google Play Leaderboard structs is designed to mimic the objects almost exactly as provided by the Google Play Saverice SDK. It contains various information about Google Play Leaderboards and their scores.

Leaderboard data is split into three structs, the first two describing the metadata for the leaderboard itself and information about its users variants (Collect & TimeSpan combinations). The last one describes general leaderboard scores.


Field Type Description
DisplayName FString The ID of this achievement.
IconImageURI FString The number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement; only applicable for INCREMENTAL achievement types.
ID FString The description for this achievement.
ScoreOrder EGooglePlayLeaderboardScoreOrder The timestamp (in millseconds since epoch) at which this achievement was last updated. If the achievement has never been updated, this will return -1.
Variants TArray<FGooglePlayLeaderboardVariant> The name of this achievement.


Field Type Description
Collection EGooglePlayLeaderboardCollection The collection of scores contained by this variant. This can be PUBLIC or FRIENDS.
DisplayPlayerRank FString The viewing player's formatted rank for this variant, if any. Note that this value is only accurate if hasPlayerInfo below is true.
DisplayPlayerScore FString The viewing player's score for this variant, if any. Note that this value is only accurate if hasPlayerInfo below is true.
NumScores int64 The total number of scores for this variant. Not all of these scores will always be present on the local device. Note that if scores for this variant have not been loaded, the value will be -1.
PlayerRank int64 The viewing player's rank for this variant, if any. Note that this value is only accurate if hasPlayerInfo below is true.
RawPlayerScore int64 The viewing player's score for this variant, if any. Note that this value is only accurate if hasPlayerInfo below is true.
TimeSpan EGooglePlayLeaderboardTimeSpan The time span that the scores for this variant are drawn from. Possible values are ALL_TIME, WEEKLY, or DAILY.
bHasPlayerInfo bool Whether or not this variant contains score information for the viewing player or not. There are several possible reasons why this might be false. If the scores for this variant have never been loaded, we won't know if the player has a score or not. Similarly, if the player has not submitted a score for this variant, this will return false. It is possible to have a score but no rank. For instance, on leaderboard variants of PUBLIC, players who are not sharing their scores publicly will never have a rank.


Field Type Description
DisplayRank FString A formatted string to display for this scores rank. This handles appropriate localization and formatting.
DisplayScore FString A formatted string to display for this score. The details of the formatting are specified by the developer in the Google Play Console.
Rank int64 The rank returned from the server for this score. Note that this may not be exact and that multiple scores can have identical ranks. Lower ranks indicate a better score, with rank 1 being the best score on the board. If the rank cannot be determined, this will return -1.
RawScore int64 The raw score value.
ScoreHolderDisplayName FString The name to display for the player who scored this score. If the identity of the player is unknown, this will have an anonymous name to be displayed.
ScoreHolderHighResImageURI FString The URI of the hi-res image to display for the player who scored this score. If the identity of the player is unknown, this will be empty. It may also be empty if the player simply has no image.
ScoreHolderIconImageURI FString The URI of the icon image to display for the player who scored this score. If the identity of the player is unknown, this will be an anonymous image for the player. It may also be empty if the player simply has no image.
TimestampMillis int64 The timestamp (in milliseconds from epoch) at which this score was achieved.


Field Type Description
LeaderboardID FString The ID of the leaderboard the score was submitted to.
PlayerID FString The ID of the player the score was submitted for.
ScoreResults TMap<EGooglePlayLeaderboardTimeSpan, FGooglePlayLeaderboardScoreSubmissionResult> A Map of Score Submission Result objects by TimeSpan.


Field Type Description
FormattedScore FString A formatted string to display for this scores rank. This handles appropriate localization and formatting.
bNewBest bool A boolean value indicating if this was a new high score or not.
RawScore int64 The raw score value.