Google Sign In Account

The Google Sign In Account struct is designed to mimic the object almost exactly as provided by the Google Play Saverice SDK. It contains various information about the users google account.

The information within the struct will be filled in depending on what you information you have requested when logging the player in using the Google Sign In Blueprint Nodes.


Field Type Description
DisplayName FString The display name of the signed in user. Not guaranteed to be present for all users.
Email FString The email address of the signed in user, if it was requested during login.
FamilyName FString The family name of the signed in user. Not guaranteed to be present for all users.
GivenName FString The given name of the signed in user. Not guaranteed to be present for all users.
ID FString The unique ID for the Google account.
IDToken FString The ID token that you can send to your backend server, if it was requested during login. The ID token is a JSON Web Token signed by Google that can be used to identify a user to your backend server.
ServerAuthCode FString A one-time server auth code to send to your web server which can be exchanged for an access token and optionally a refresh token. This is only present if you have setup your Server Side API Access correctly and requested it during login.