Google Play Achievement

The Google Play Achievement struct is designed to mimic the object almost exactly as provided by the Google Play Saverice SDK. It contains various information about a Google Play Achievement.

The achievement data will reflect configuration data setup in Google Play Console as well as any user related data as can be seen below.


Field Type Description
ID FString The ID of this achievement.
CurrentSteps int32 The number of steps this user has gone toward unlocking this achievement; only applicable for INCREMENTAL achievement types.
Description FString The description for this achievement.
LastUpdatedTimestamp int64 The timestamp (in millseconds since epoch) at which this achievement was last updated. If the achievement has never been updated, this will return -1.
Name FString The name of this achievement.
State EGooglePlayAchievementState The Achievement State of the achievement.
TotalSteps int32 The total number of steps necessary to unlock this achievement; only applicable for INCREMENTAL achievement types.
Type EGooglePlayAchievementType The Achievement Type of the achievement.
ExperienceValue int64 The XP value of this achievement.
RevealedImageURI FString A URI that can be used to load the achievement's revealed image icon. Empty if the achievement has no revealed image.
UnlockedImageURI FString A URI that can be used to load the achievement's unlocked image icon. Empty if the achievement has no unlocked image.