Unreal Engine Source Code Fixes

This section describes what optional automatic fixes the plugin provides for required SDK breaking changes fixes.

You can enable and disable which SDK fixes you would like to be applied to your engines source code.


In Project Settings -> Plugins -> Android Utility Pack you will find the Unreal Engine Source Code Fixes section allowing you to enable which fixes you would like applied.

When enabled, each fix will be applied at package time for the problematic unreal engine versions, leaving the original source code untouched.

Android API 33 Fixes

These fixes are only applied (automatically detected) to Unreal Engine Versions 4.27 and 5.0 as this has been fixed in later versions.

The fixes include:

Removing use of setAppCacheMaxSize()
Removing use of setAppCachePath()
Removing use of setAppCacheEnabled()

Android API 34 Fixes

These fixes are applied automatically to all Unreal Engine Versions (currently, 4.27 to 5.4, inclusive).

The fixes include:

Correct use of registerReceiver()

Update Gradle

This upgrade is only applied (automatically detected) to Unreal Engine Versions 4.27, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2 as this has already been upgraded in later versions.

The fixes include:

Update Gradle to 7.5