Android Battery Info

This struct contains various information about an Android devices battery.


Field Type Description
BatteryStatus EBatteryStatus An enumeration describing the charging status of the device.
BatteryPercentage float The percentage of how fully charged the device is.
bIsBatteryLow bool [API-28+] A boolean indicating whether the battery is currently considered to be low.
bIsBatteryPresent bool A boolean indicating whether there is a battery or not.
BatteryHealth EBatteryHealth An enumeration describing how healthy the battery is.
BatteryPlugType EBatteryPlugType When the device is charging, this enumeration will describe the way its being charged.
BatteryTemperature float The temperature of the battery measured in degrees Celsius (°C).
BatteryVoltage float The voltage of the battery either measured in volts (V) or millivolts (mv) depending on the device model.
BatteryTechnology FString A String describing the technology of the current battery, for example "Li-ion".