
Here is a list of enumerations you will find throughout the plugin.
These enumerations are named after the same enumerations/constants found within the Android SDK.


Name Description
VERBOSE The VERBOSE log level is the lowest priority, and it is used to log detailed information for debugging purposes. This log level is usually disabled in production builds.
DEBUG The DEBUG log level is used to log information that is useful during the development and debugging process. It is intended for use in a development environment and typically disabled in production builds.
INFO The INFO log level is used to log informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at a coarse-grained level. These messages are often used to keep track of the application's state and are typically enabled in production builds.
WARNING The WARNING log level is used to log potentially harmful situations or unexpected conditions that do not prevent the application from functioning but might need attention in the future.
ERROR The ERROR log level is used to log error events that might still allow the application to continue running. These messages indicate significant problems that need to be addressed.


Name Description
BATTERY_HEALTH_ERROR Indicates that there is an unspecified error with the battery health. This status is used when a specific health problem cannot be identified.
BATTERY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN The battery health is unknown. This might occur if the system is unable to retrieve battery health information.
BATTERY_HEALTH_GOOD The battery is in good health. This status indicates that the battery is functioning normally and does not have any known issues.
BATTERY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT The battery is overheating. This status indicates that the battery temperature is too high, which can potentially damage the battery and reduce its lifespan.
BATTERY_HEALTH_DEAD The battery is dead. This status indicates that the battery is no longer able to hold a charge and needs to be replaced.
BATTERY_HEALTH_OVER_VOLTAGE The battery voltage is too high. This status indicates that the battery is receiving too much voltage, which can damage the battery and the device.
BATTERY_HEALTH_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE There is an unspecified failure with the battery. This status is used when the battery health check fails for reasons that are not covered by other specific health statuses.
BATTERY_HEALTH_COLD The battery is too cold. This status indicates that the battery temperature is too low, which can affect the battery's performance and efficiency.


Name Description
BATTERY_UNPLUGGED Indicates that the device is not connected to any power source and is running on battery power.
BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC Indicates that the device is connected to an AC (wall) power source. This is a common charging method providing steady and typically faster charging.
BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB Indicates that the device is connected to a USB power source, such as a computer or a USB charger. This method usually provides slower charging compared to AC power.
BATTERY_PLUGGED_WIRELESS Indicates that the device is charging wirelessly using a wireless charging pad or stand. This method provides convenience but may charge slower than wired methods.
BATTERY_PLUGGED_DOCK Indicates that the device is connected to a charging dock. This type of charging is often used with docking stations that provide power and other functionalities.


Name Description
BATTERY_STATUS_ERROR Indicates that there is an unspecified error with the battery status. This status is used when a specific problem with the battery status cannot be identified.
BATTERY_STATUS_UNKNOWN The battery status is unknown. This might occur if the system is unable to retrieve the battery status information.
BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING Indicates that the battery is currently charging. This status is shown when the device is connected to a power source and the battery is gaining charge.
BATTERY_STATUS_DISCHARGING Indicates that the battery is discharging. This status is shown when the device is not connected to a power source and is running on battery power.
BATTERY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING Indicates that the battery is not charging. This status is shown when the device is connected to a power source but the battery is not gaining charge, possibly because it is full or there is an issue.
BATTERY_STATUS_FULL Indicates that the battery is fully charged. This status is shown when the battery is at 100% charge and is no longer drawing power from the power source.


Name Description
EVENT_CREATE Indicates that the `onCreate()` method has been called. This is the first method called when an the application is created and is often used to perform initial setup.
EVENT_START Indicates that the `onStart()` method has been called. This method is called when the application becomes visible to the user but is not yet ready for user interaction.
EVENT_RESUME Indicates that the `onResume()` method has been called. This method is called when the application is ready to interact with the user. At this point, the appliaction is in the foreground.
EVENT_PAUSE Indicates that the `onPause()` method has been called. This method is called when the application is partially obscured by another application. It is often used to pause ongoing tasks or save UI state.
EVENT_STOP Indicates that the `onStop()` method has been called. This method is called when the application is no longer visible to the user. It is used to perform heavier shutdown operations.
EVENT_RESTART Indicates that the `onRestart()` method has been called. This method is called after the application has been stopped, just before it is started again. It is typically used to refresh or update the application.