Google Play Event

The GooglePlayEvent struct is designed to mimic the Event provided by the Google Play Services SDK for the Events service. It contains various information about the event in question.

All fields are read and writable and consist of EventId, Name, Description, Value, FormattedValue and IsVisible.

By using the Incrementing Event blueprint node in conjunction with setting up the Event itself in the Google Play Console, most of this information will be available to you when you load an event.

Field Type Description
EventId FString The unique identifier for the Event as can be seen in the Google Play Console.
This is also used when Incrementing an Event.
Name FString The name of the Event as setup in the Google Play Console.
Description FString The description of the Event as setup in the Google Play Console.
Value int64 The increment counter for the event.
This value increases as you make use of the Incrementing an Event blueprint.
FormattedValue FString A Formatted value of the event provided by the Google Play SDK.
NOTE: The SDK does not seem to provide this value as of yet.
IsVisible bool Whether or not the Event is visible as setup in the Google Play Console.