Launch In App Review

This is an asynchronous function which launches the in-app review flow. You must wait until the user has completed the in-app review process before your app continues its normal flow.

Once the asynchronous operation has completed, one of two delegates will be called to handle the success and failure situations.

Note: Google's policy requires that no matter the result, success or failure, you must continue your normal app flow.


On Success

A delegate that will be called once the user has completed the review process. The library does not indicate whether the user reviewed or not, or even whether the review dialog was shown.

You can simply click and drag this pin to create a custom event.


On Failure

A delegate that will be called if there is an error attempting to launch the review flow. The delegate will produce an Review Error for the developer to handle appropriately.

You can simply click and drag this pin to create a custom event.